Sunday, March 15, 2009


The name change. Happy hour was a little too much for the staff, so we are changing our small group name to Overtime. This is the third tier in the blg pyramid above programing and entry points.
Our mission: To gain closer personal relationships with God and each other. Our new study is "Habitudes". Check out:
This 4 book series will take us through a journey of leadership and connecting with others in a style that you have not likely seen before. Join us every Friday from 6:30 to 7:30 at the main building of Cornerstone.
To the group---Starting this FRIDAY, March 20th, all discussions about blg-connect and blg-simulcast will be between 6am and 6:30 am. We will promptly beging our Habitudes series this week at 6:30. I will have 5 copies if you need to purchase a copy of the books.
Also, please reach out to any colegues that you feel will benefit from this series.