Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Overtime 1.3

Book 1, chapters 1-3 are history.
What have you learned?
1. the iceberg teaches us that we need to lead ourselves before we lead others.
2. the starving baker teaches us we need to feed ourselves before others
3. the golden Buddha teaches us we must read ourselves before others.
Last week, we discussed our own personal God given strengths and abilities. Many fantastic stories were shared such as Rob's call to raise his boys with Jesus, Jeff's (the coach) call to start a new business, David's call to restart life, Ron's passion for ministry and listening to others, Dennis' ability to pull on others and recruit on God's behalf.
What ever your story is, it is, just that: Your own very personal story. I don't know why we spend so much time comparing ourselves to others when God has made us all so unique and special in our own way. It has something to do with competition i would imagine.
So, our journey continues. This week: Chapter 4. Come prepared to discuss the thermostat vs the thermometer. Be sure to read Luke 6:46-49.