Monday, September 28, 2009

Leadership Gold.L1-2

We are off and running with our new series. WOW. What a powerful group of ideas this is going to be. 26 of the best of the best lessons you could probably get anywhere.

We also have some amazing companies in our group from the entrepreneur to Pfizer, KB Home, Architects and more. This is brewing up to be one heck of a conversation. So, here we go:

John's Recommendation reminder: Don't just sit through these meetings. Highlight and put a letter beside each one as either:
a. Lesson that you want to learn-apply to your life.
c. Lesson that you need to change-ones that you have been applying wrong.
t. Lesson that you want to pass on to someone else.

Modeling is the best leadership trait - by example!

Lesson 1: If its lonely at the top, you're not doing something right.
Lonliness is not a position issue; its a personality issue.
Read Phillipians 2

Lesson 2: The toughest person to lead is always yourself.
only a leader who has followed well knows how to lead others well.

See you all on Friday. Bring a friend-no charge.