Wednesday, November 11, 2009

leadership Gold.L17-19

Are you a connector? Chances are your wife, sister or female significant other is better at it, or is she? How do guys connect verses women? Blog back.
Leadership Lesson 19 requires that we be Connectors not just climbers. Trouble is most of our training has been to climb, to win, to defeat everyone around us. Then and only then do we succeed.

Is this true? What does the bible say?

Maxwell says that connectors focus on relationships but climbers focus on position. What are you focused on? How about your family? Are you relying on your position as Dad - husband verses the relationship with your wife and kids?
Let me take you back to James 1: "Consider it pure joy my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds,3 becuause you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance.4 Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and ocmplete, not lacking anything."
Consider it pure joy.... Are you kidding? Pure joy when we face trials? That is a tough task. What is pure joy for you? Winning? Be honest, do you have true joy when you end up connecting with someone or when you beat someone? God's word never said it would be easy but it will be rewarding.
I challenge you all to research and journal this idea of connecting with others and really think to what true joy is and should be to you.