Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Leadership Gold.Prayer at 60

John Maxwell gave this prayer at the age of 60 after playing many plays on the business field and the non profit field:

"Lord, as i grow older, i think i want to be know as...

Thoughtful, rather than gifted,
Loving, verses quick or bright,
Gentle, over being powerful,
A listener, more than a great communicator,
Available, rather than a hard worker,
Sacrificial, instead of successful,
Reliable, not famous,
Content, more than driven,
Self-Controlled, rather than exiting,
Generous, instead of rich, and
Compassionate, more than competent.

Life wont let you progress without a price."

What a prayer. How many of these are you the rather than the first? Pick three. For me - Thoughtful-Self-controlled and Generous are my three that i would like to be better known for at 60.

We have reached our final session on Friday. I wonder if any of you have learned anything over the past several weeks.

  • Have you changed anything?
  • Have you grown?

  • Have you journaled?

Will you remember anything after 48 hours of your final session other than that you were there. Studies suggest that you WONT! unless you write 2 or three things down that your really want to take away from these 26 lessons.

Here's one of mine:

1. Lesson 9-To see how the leader is doing, look at the people.

I would rather be Favre or Manning than TO-Doing my best to help my teammates rather than tear them down. Always taking responsiblity for my actions as well taking accountabity and ownership for my team's actions regardless of who's at fault.

Did you learn? See you Friday.