Sunday, October 18, 2009

Ledership Gold L5-9

So, who would you rather be? Brett Favre, Peyton Manning or T.O.?
Lesson 5-10:
5: never work a day in your life
6: the best leaders are listeners
7: get in your zone and stay there
8: first, define reality
9: to see how the leader is doing, look at the people
10: dont send your ducks to eagle school
Bottom line - are you generally lifting others up or tearing them down. Are the problems mostly someone elses fault or are you taking responsibility as a good quarterback like farve and manning verses the t.o. approach. Nothing against t.o. - he's a great ball player but as far as leading your family, your friends and your professional collegues we should take heart to be more like a Manning leader.
Did you journal today? Why not? Chickens!
See you Friday.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Leadership Gold L.3-4

Lesson 3: Defining Moments define your leadership.
What have been your defining moments? Are you in one now? What are you doing about it?
Have you learned anything this week that demands that you pause and redirect, try it again or simply just be thankful for the lesson?
Lesson 4: When you get kicked in the rear, you know you're out front.
Its amazing how much we all - be honest - we all dislike advice and criticism. We love giving it but taking it is another story. Chances are, you give more than you actually receive. This is one issue where giving isn't necessarily better than receiving. One of my favorite quotes of all time by Ken Blanchard: "Some people are like sea gulls. When something goes wrong, they fly in, make a lot of noise and crap all over everything."
Are you a sea gull?