Sunday, October 18, 2009

Ledership Gold L5-9

So, who would you rather be? Brett Favre, Peyton Manning or T.O.?
Lesson 5-10:
5: never work a day in your life
6: the best leaders are listeners
7: get in your zone and stay there
8: first, define reality
9: to see how the leader is doing, look at the people
10: dont send your ducks to eagle school
Bottom line - are you generally lifting others up or tearing them down. Are the problems mostly someone elses fault or are you taking responsibility as a good quarterback like farve and manning verses the t.o. approach. Nothing against t.o. - he's a great ball player but as far as leading your family, your friends and your professional collegues we should take heart to be more like a Manning leader.
Did you journal today? Why not? Chickens!
See you Friday.

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