Wednesday, January 20, 2010

The New Series: Maximum impact simulacast 2009 REVISITED

Welcome back blg crew. This season will prove to be one of our best ever, i just know. Call it faith, call it believing in a cause or just call it our mission.
We begin the season with a nearly 8 week series reviewing John Maxwell's Maximum Impact Simulcast 2009 featuring such speakers at Tony Blair and Jack Nicklaus.
First up, was Linda Kaplan Thaler talking about thinking small. Some really profound ideas in an age of "big is better" or is it? It didnt do so well for enron or the Lehman Brothers or the housing market. Kaplan's message is that even the smallest of conversations matter. Starbucks changes lives with their smailes and simple "face to fact" converstaions. Micheal Dell took the time to respond-have a digital conversation with over 200 emails each day, no matter how small. Even Jack Welch took the time to have "personal conversations" with some of his employees each week by writing them a note on something they did well that week.
The point is, what small things or small converstaions have you had this week or will have this week that will truly make a difference. Are they persnal-face to face smiles and converstaions or random txt msgs frm sm won u hdly now?
I challenge you to think small. What small thing do you do that people will remember for a lifetime. Will they remember how you always smile at them? Will they remember how you always wrote wonderful notes? Will they remember you because you never feared an opportunity to share your faith?
What's your small gig?
This week: John Maxwell is the speaker. See you Friday at 6:30am.

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